+358 20 198 6464 sales@cheos.fi

Software for robotics and machine vision

Matrox Imaging Library and Matrox Design Assistant

Matrox® Imaging Library (MIL)  is a comprehensive collection of software tools for developing machine vision, image analysis, and medical imaging applications. MIL X includes tools for every step in the process, from application feasibility to prototyping, through to development and ultimately deployment.

The software development kit (SDK) features interactive software and programming functions for image capture, processing, analysis, annotation, display, and archiving. These tools are designed to enhance productivity, thereby reducing the time and effort required to bring solutions to market.

Image capture, processing, and analysis operations have the accuracy and robustness needed to tackle the most demanding applications. These operations are also carefully optimized for speed to address the severe time constraints encountered in many applications.

Matrox Design Assistant®  is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Microsoft® Windows® where vision applications are created by constructing an intuitive flowchart instead of writing traditional program code. In addition to building a flowchart, the IDE enables users to design a graphical web-based operator interface for the application.

Matrox Design Assistant X can operate independent of hardware, allowing users to choose any computer with CoaXPress®, GigE Vision®, or USB3 Vision® cameras and get the processing power needed.

Eye Vision Tools

EVT Eye Vision software creates machine vision programs through a graphical user interface by sequentially connecting functional configurable command blocks. The software is very easy to use, and for example, creating a working 3D measurement program with Eye Vision software takes only a fraction of the time it would take to complete a task with traditional programming methods. The software has extensive support for cameras and sensors from different manufacturers, as well as different types of processors. The Quelltech -3D laser scanners we represent can be used in conjunction with the EVT software development tool.

You’ll find more information here:

Matrox Imaging

Eye Vision Technology – EVT

Business Park Sinihelmi
Sinimäentie 8 B, 02630 Espoo
+358 20 198 6464

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