+358 20 198 6464 sales@cheos.fi

Sovelluksia on monenlaisia, olipa kyseessä siementen ja vihannesten, pakkausten tai muovien ja jätteiden lajittelu ja erottelu.
Automaatio on välttämätöntä tehokkaan elintarviketuotannon varmistamiseksi. Täysautomaattinen lajittelu on tehokkaan raaka-aineiden kierrätyksen perusedellytys. Chromasens tarjoaa tähän ratkaisuja.


Seeds, grains, cereals, dried fruit & vegetables, coffee
The goods have to be sorted. Insects, stones, dirt etc. must be eliminated and the selected goods can be differentiated in different categories, e.g. durum wheat & soft wheat.

Fruit, vegetables
Depending on the destination of the products the type of machines change, especially in the part of handling the fruit. The selection criteria can be color, shape, degree of maturity, defects and weight of the goods. Photos of the fruit/vegetable must be taken from different angles while moving to make a full inspection of the different criteria.

The products to be selected are glass, plastic, paper and metals. Glass can be divided by color. Plastic can be sorted by the type of polymer (e.g. PET vs PVC vs Acetates) or by the size of the pieces.

Coal & Stone

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